General Complaints

Mrs. Beverly DSouzaHead of Service Quality Division

Customer’s complaints are responded within 10 working days and final reply in most of the cases is sent within a period of 45 working days.
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Sources/Channels for Customer Complaint Lodgment

  1. At Branch:
    • Complaint Form
    • Drop Box.
  2. Call Centre/ Help Line: Toll free number: 0800 333 22
  3. Email:
  4. Letter: Customers Complaint Unit, First Floor, P & O Plaza, I.I. Chundrigarh Road, Karachi.
  5. Whistle Blowing:
  6. Focal Person: For complaints in branches – Branch Manager.
  7. Banking Mohtasib of Pakistan:

Filled form can directly be sent to Head of Compliance, Vigilance and Fraud Risk Division at Sindh Bank Ltd. The contact details are as under:

Mr. Naseeruddin LadhaniHead of Compliance, Vigilance and Fraud Risk Management